Using Internal CSS
You can also include CSS rules within an HTML page by placing them
inside a <style> element,
which usually sits inside the <head> element
of the page. The <style> element should use the type attribute to indicate that the styles are specified in CSS. The
value should be text/css.
When building a site with more than one page, you should use an
external CSS style sheet. This:
Allows all pages to use the same
style rules (rather than repeating them in each page).
Keeps the content separate from
how the page looks.
Means you can change the styles
used across all pages by altering just one file (rather than each individual page).
In HTML 4 and Transitional XHTML, you could also use a style attribute on most of the elements that appear in the body of a
page. The CSS rules that appeared within the value of the attribute would only
apply to that one element. You should avoid using this attribute in any new
site but I mention it here
Because you may see it used in older code. Here is an example that
changes the color of the text in a single paragraph red: <p style="color:red;">
Example.html file
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Using Internal CSS</title>
<style type="text/css">
body {
font-family: arial;
background-color: rgb(185,179,175);}
h1 {
color: rgb(255,255,255);}
<p>There are dozens of different potato
varieties. They are usually described as
early, second early and maincrop.</p>